Narrated by the Oscar winning actress Tilda Swinton, the story is about a young girl, Genevieve, who builds a boat with her father. He tells her that learning to sail is a step in becoming a young woman. Genevieve sits in the boat every day with her imaginary friends but she is afraid to sail until one day her father goes away. She thinks if she actually sails the boat he might come back.
Film Threat's Top 10 of 2012
"[T]his is a lovely debut, worth seeing and worth thinking about. You might even take 34 minutes and see it twice."
--- Mick LaSalle, SFGate. Read More.
"Genevieve ultimately emerges as the hero of her own adventure, while Gray emerges as a new cinematic hero who is willing to challenge the protocols of indie filmmaking with a highly distinctive style."
--- Film Threat with Phil Hall Read More.
Fort Mason Center, Building C, Continuously, San Francisco, 2011 - 2013
California Film Institute Rafael Theater, plus Vendela Vida interview, Balancing Acts photographs November 15, 2012
San Francisco Film Society, New People Cinema, plus Steven Winn interview, A Stage of Her Own reading November 11, 2012
World Kid's Foundation, Shown throughout India as part of Lessons in the Dark Educational Program, 2011 - 2012
National Center for Performing Arts Mumbai India Festival, 2012
Berkshire International Film Festival, Great Barrington MA, 2012
Oaxaca Film Fest, Mexico 2012
Miami Short Film Festival Miami FL, 2011
I made this Super 8 film about Charlotte Corday killing Marat as a student at Dartmouth College in 1978-79. There was a wonderful history Professor there, Michael Carter, whose field was Terror. Back then that meant the French Revolution. I made this little horror film for him about Terror and the idea that violence begets violence. He played Marat. The footage was shot by an estimable experimental filmmaker, Will Small, and the guillotine and the head were made by Bernie Vyzga who was also at Dartmouth but soon left to be a set designer in Hollywood. Charlotte was played by my neighbor, Patty Albertini, and Simone by another friend, Chris Burne. I played the maid.